PSS™ Annual Survey of Hours Participation

Data Collection for the 35th Edition PSS™ Annual Survey of Hours Report© is NOW open.

Why Your Unit(s) Should Participate?

The PSS™ Annual Survey of Hours Report© is an independent voluntary national survey that is unencumbered from the predefined limits of third-party productivity companies or products. We have worked to ensure the accuracy of the reported data is consistent with the published glossary of terms and formulas so that LMI’s results are the earliest indicator of changes in the hours of care and workforce management data you are challenged to meet.

  • Do you want unit specific Hours Per Unit of Service (HPPD, Hrs./Delivery, etc.) comparisons by hospital type (teaching, community, rural)?
  • Do you want unit specific caregiver to patient ratio comparisons by hospital type?
  • Do you want unit specific benchmark comparisons to build a business case to help you tell your story?

We would like to invite your organization to contribute to the national benchmark for hospital budgeting, staffing, and scheduling decisions. LMI is committed to providing relevant and current data to support resource planning and workforce management.  We collect unit specific data for Nursing and Non-Nursing, NO unit needs to be left out!

How is data collected?

Each participating organization will be provided with an Excel/CSV document to complete their data collection.  Once the data collection is complete, the Excel/CSV document will be sent back to LMI for import into the survey.  By utilizing the Excel/CSV document allowing LMI to import your data we hope to reduce the time spent collecting and submitting the needed information.