Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
Labor Management Institute, Inc., (LMI) is delighted to announce the publication and release of Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition. The book editors are KT Waxman and Mary Lynne Knighten. This award-winning resource is the only text to focus on the financial and business skills needed by students in DNP programs.
ChrysMarie Suby is author of Chapter 5: Budgeting in Acute Care Settings. The focus of this chapter provides the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) executive nurse leader in acute care settings with the most essential skills and tools to develop and oversee the management of annual Full Time Equivalent (FTE) budgets coupled with the translation of FTEs into annual and daily hours and shifts for employee scheduling, daily staffing, and management reporting. These essential skills and tools will help the DNP executive nurse leader to successfully oversee care delivery models and workforce management, promote healthful work environments and safe workplaces, formulate programs to encourage work-life balance, develop recruitment and retention strategies and measure and meet healthcare outcomes.
LMI is pleased to have negotiated a 25% discount for the purchase of the Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition from Springer Publishing. Visit www.springerpub.com, use code LMI25 to receive your 25% discount.
For LMI client bulk discounts please contact Leigh Montville Director, Special Sales, and Business Development at LMontville@SpringerPub.com