
ADP White Papter Best-Practices-For-Time-Tracking

Labor can be the largest cost in any organization, and one that is controllable, especially when you utilize industry leading technology to track time worked and employee absences, both planned and unplanned, in employee schedules.

Organizations are challenged to achieve and maintain compliance with internal policies, union agreements (for some), and federal laws such as Department of Labor Wage and Hour Rules, Sarbanes-Oxley and the Affordable Care Act. Efficient allocation and management of labor hours positively impacts revenues. Inefficiencies can increase costs, decrease profits and create dissatisfaction to both employees and customers.

Labor Management Institute, a leading research, education and consulting organization, specializes in time and labor management, productivity optimization and automation. The Labor Management Institute has worked with organizations of all sizes in many industries over the last 30 years to analyze time and labor management practices and finds correlations in both worked and non-worked time that contribute to the abuse of labor hours in the form of extra and unnecessary overtime, conflicts in practice and policies, cost overruns to budget and adverse outcomes to employees and customers.

This white paper identifies 10 time and labor management best practices to help you control labor costs and align staffing with budgets more efficiently and effectively. Best practice is used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use.  (1) As a method or technique, best practices consistently show results superior to those achieved with other means, and are often used as benchmarks.

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    If you are looking for time & attendance information, please visit the Labor Management Institute, Inc. Knowledge Center to consider our self-learning certification programs offered on-line or upon request at client locations.

    ChrysMarie Suby

    An international healthcare consultant specializing in the area of clinical operations, scheduling and staffing systems, and productivity management. She is a nurse scientist, author, professional speaker owner and co-founder of the Labor Management Institute. Ms. Suby has over 35 years healthcare experience in a variety of clinical and management position. Her specialty areas include clinical operations, labor management, scheduling and staffing to budget in healthcare and other organizations (casinos/resorts, and retail clients) nationally and internationally, scheduling, staffing and report automation. ChrysMarie is editor and publisher of the nationally recognized newsletter Perspectives of Staffing and Scheduling© (PSS™) now in its 33rd year. She is the publisher of the Labor Management Institute’s PSS™ Annual Survey of Hours Report© now in its 30th year. It was the first national benchmarking database for Nursing in the USA started by Eunice Lawrenz in 1989. The annual report compares hours of care for 95 types of units by 13 service lines for teaching, community and rural hospitals. The PSS™ Annual Survey of Hours Report© was both cited and quoted in the 2004 Institute of Medicine Report on “Keeping Patients Safe; Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses.” Ms. Suby contributes articles and serves on the Editorial Board for the Creative Nursing Journal. She regularly contributes articles to the Hospital Finance Management Association’s (HFMA) Business of Caring newsletter ( and the Healthcare Cost Containment newsletter ( and HealthLeaders ( Biannually, ChrysMarie hosts the LMI International Conference on Workforce Management© which provides education from nationally and internationally recognized speakers on cutting edge concerns for scheduling, staffing, productivity and workforce management. ChrysMarie attained her undergraduate education from Metropolitan College in Minneapolis MN and MS/Adult Nurse Practitioner at the University of Minnesota. She is a member of AONE and she is a founding member of the International Organization of Schedulers, Staffers and Resource Leaders (IOSSRL) and the Workforce Educational Organization (WEO).